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Rejuvenate Healing Detox | Doctor Nature Healing | Cleansing | GI wellness | Weight Loss | Healthy Nutrition | Kriya Yoga | Ayurveda | Prana | Natural Health | Energy | Mental Clarity | Guided Detox | Juicing | Raw Food | Plant-Based | Fasting | Meditation

"Rejuvenate Healing Detox" 3-week Online Guided Program


REJUVENATE 3-Week Healing Detox Program is: • A retreat-quality detox • In the comfort of your own home • Without taking time off • With support from the authors and detox experts REJUVENATE is designed in the most comprehensive way to effectively revitalize, restore and reactivate your entire body. It removes gross pollution from the GI tract - large and small intestine, produces a cleansing effect on the most important filtration systems - liver, kidneys and the skin, pulls toxins out of the lymph and blood. It also works on other elimination channels like respiratory system and sinuses. It provides your body with the opportunity to cleanse itself by gently going into the detox mode, assisting it in dislodging waste products from the tissue depots and guiding them out of the body. REJUVENATE is a results-oriented program, complete with video lessons, weekly online webinars, daily group chat support, lists, printable materials, recipes, practical advice. Detox is a systemic knowledge of systemic nature of toxins and how to masterfully dislodge and remove them from each tissue one by one, timely and effectively, organically and naturally, without causing harm. The relief of health conditions is a nice side effect of purifying the system. Our 3-week course is structured in the following way: Week 1 Preparation: Detox nutrition + routines Week 2 Detox: Detox nutrition + routines + Shanka Prakshalana saltwater flush Week 3 Detox: Juicing followed by restorative raw vegan nourishment This program is for you if you have any of the following: · Digestive issues · High cholesterol or blood sugar levels · Excess/low weight · Headaches · High blood pressure · Pain, Inflammation · Problematic joints · Poor sleep, low energy · Weak immunity · Hair, mouth and body odor · Skin conditions · Lack of concentration · Any other health challenges ·You eat cooked food You will need to obtain some products prior to the start of detox - approx. $70. We provide links.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app

Detox Program Testimonials

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