Parasites in humans are a majorly overlooked health issue nowadays, with an estimated 9 out of 10 people living with parasites, and parasites playing a role in many health issues.
In this post, we are looking at flukes or trematodes, a group of parasites that includes schistosoma, opisthorchis (also know as liver fluke), lung fluke, and protozoa that include toxoplasma and giardia.
Let's explore flukes first and their negative impact on the health.
Schistosoma affects the kidneys and the colon. It can also get into the bladder and cause various issues including bladder cancer. Schistosoma is the causative factor in about 90% of bladder cancer cases.
Schistosoma resides in stagnant pools of water, in ponds. Eggs get eaten by gastropods, mollusks, and crawfish and get transmitted that way. Larvae can also bite and penetrate through the skin of humans. It goes into the blood and lymph circulation, into the tissues and organs like the kidneys and the liver.
Signs of Schistosoma
Cystic fibrosis, varicose veins, different skin manifestations, dermatitis. The cysts and fibroids in the uterus can also be the result of parasitic infestation. Let's not forget about the common symptoms of a parasitic infection - GI issues, headaches, lack of energy, mood swings, poor immunity, distended belly, and so on.
Liver Fluke
Also known as opisthorchis, and clonorchis (Chinese or oriental liver fluke).
This fluke likes the liver. It actually eats the liver. It doesn't really eat anything else.
This is why people who fast for healing purposes and have the liver fluke, will not get better. They will not experience the good results of fasting, but on the other hand, will degrade and have poor consequences.
Liver fluke comes from fish, raw, poorly cooked or contaminated.
Eggs are shed into the water, snails feed on the eggs, and then the larva crawls out of the snail and gets into fish.
So, fish can be either the end or the intermediate host. Larvae grows into the adult specimen in about two to three weeks - very quickly - and begins to multiply.
The liver fluke disease manifests through GI symptoms. The infestation disrupts the microbiome, causes hepatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, and other different conditions of the intestines and the GI tract.
It also causes severe muscle pain because it produces acidity. Allergies, signs of liver congestion and liver toxicity, jaundice, headaches, insomnia, general toxication signs.
But it may also go without symptoms, because the liver is so resilient and does not hurt.
Very often it does not show signs of being affected. It may not show any signs up to the point where it is up to 90% affected, and still be functional.
This is why we do want to support our liver by all means possible when we do parasite cleanses. Sadly, a liver supporting regimen is hardly ever prescribed in antiparasitic protocols. This is because a lack of knowledge of why and how to do it.
So, the liver suffers greatly. As you can see in the image below (source: CDC), the liver is all eaten and has a big accumulation of pus. Of course, in this situation there would be an opportunistic infection during the process, which would cause a lot of mucus and liver toxicity, and it will manifest as dermatitis and allergic reactions.
Lung Fluke
As you can guess from its name, this flatworm likes the lungs.
Behavior of the lung fluke is very similar to the liver fluke, except that it prefers to dwell in the lungs and cause lung cancer-like symptoms, and eventually result in lung cancer. This trematode breaks the intactness of the lung tissue, causes copious bleeding, accumulation of bloody pus inside the lung tissue, forms encapsulations that look like fibroids, neoplasms and tumors. Eventually these encapsulations mutate, become malignant and start an oncological process.
This concludes our brief look at the flukes. And now let's look at protozoa.
This group of single-celled "primitive animals" (when translated from Greek) includes such parasites as toxoplasma and giardia.
Toxoplasma carried by cats can cause a lot of health issues including infertility in women. More on it in section PARASITES: ONCOLOGY, INFERTILITY and MORE.
The concern with giardia is that it lives in the bile ducts. It also affects the liver. It can cause chronic diarrhea or constipation, or a combination of the two.
Everybody is at risk. Especially people who live by or swim in the ponds and pools of warm and stagnant water.
Giardia can pass very easily, even from person to person with direct contact. It does not have to go through the cycle of developing and maturing before it can get into the system. Actually the parasite can jump from person to person and carry the eggs from person to person.
Inside the body, it breaks all the barriers. It can even penetrate into the breast milk. In this case, the breastfeeding mother would pass the giardia eggs or adult specimens directly to the baby.
Giardia is very resilient, and even chlorine doesn't destroy it. Think about public pools for a second.
Giardia lives up to about 30-40Â days and then it multiplies. In the human body it causes vomiting, Gi signs, pain, often episodes of acute pain with a sudden relief.
There are a lot of people who experience this but dismiss it or try not to focus on it, not understanding what is happening. If you know someone like that, tell them that it is a sign.
Giardia causes headaches, anemia. One very distinctive sign is the color of the nasal triangle - the nose-mouth triangle; it can be very pale or even cyanotic - blue, bluish.
Skin dryness may be present with cracking on the elbows or heels. There may be low-grade long-lasting temperature, stools light in color, sometimes almost white. Abdominal distension, bloating, presence of mucus, even foaming mucus in the stool.
Dermatitis, allergies, night sweats are possible.
Children can have excessive sweating during the night as the lymphatic system gets clogged, as well as secondary infections like fungi and viruses. Weakness, irritability, dryness, and thirst. General toxicity signs in children can manifest as delays in development, tantrums, blue circles under the eyes, vomiting, loose stools. Generally, the development of a child will be affected greatly by the presence of any parasite. Blood-sucking parasites especially will cause developmental challenges in speech, memory, attention, as well as physical deficiencies, poor growth, poor muscle tone, deficiency in nutrients, in vitamins.
All these can create great blockages in the development of a child. We would urge parents to be vigilant, not take things for granted and do your best to do parasite diagrnostic methods, or better yet, do a parasite cleanse.
In fact, many individuals affected by Giardia or other parasites, there can be spikes in appetite. The appetite can be really intense, and the person may think that he/she can eat a lot, but after a couple of bites, they would just not have further appetite for the food. Or they would prefer some certain different types of foods like breads, flour products, or sweets. Parasites can cause perverted appetite as well, something like for plastic, or wood, or paper.
Diagnosing giardia is very hard. Gastroscope going into the small intestine can find living parasites.
Parasites can create the fundamental beginning for a lot of oncological, cardiovascular, inflammation and other serious conditions, and most of the time, people and doctors are not even connecting these things to parasites.
Parasites do affect the reproductive function of the female reproductive system.
Some parasites live in the muscle tissue of the reproductive system, in the ovaries, encapsulate there and have their larvae stage there. This is how they develop cysts and fibroids inside the female reproductive system. And they would probably be number one or number two causative factors for that. (Other causative factors would also be fungi, metabolic waste products, poor quality of blood and poor quality of menstrual cycle, viruses.)
Toxoplasmosis, for example, is a protozoa coming from cats, that can shut down the entire function of the reproductive system in females.
Parasitic invasion is a more common causative factor for the infertility in females than any hormonal imbalances.
Tapeworms can produce the effect of an extended belly. First, there could be some other symptoms before the belly gets distended. For example, respiratory symptoms such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. It could be some problems with digestion, psychological manifestations, emotional tantrums, or attention span challenges. Later, it could actually develop into the distended abdomen. But those preliminary symptoms that actually precede the formation of distension in the abdomen can also be hardly noticeable, or they could be considered to be normal.
Always be alert. Understand the perils of parasites, know the symptoms of parasitic diseases, as the consequences can be very dire and detrimental to your health and overall quality of life. Especially if you have "mystery" symptoms that there is no good explanation for, check for parasites, although diagnostics methods are generally very poor.
When you see the child is not growing or acting adequately, even as a baby or later in childhood, and the big things are ruled out, think of parasites.
Children, elderly and people with poor digestion and therefore poor immunity are high risk.
But it is believed that 9 out of 10 people nowadays are infected with parasites.
We need to make sure that our nutrition is adequate. But what is adequate nutrition generally, is a broader question.
Talking about particularities will take us an infinity. So, let's think of what the nutrition depends on. Our digestive power! This is what it depends on.
And what our digestive power depends on is the adequate regimen. Not the quality of the food alone, but the way we eat, the way we chew - how thoroughly, the way that we consider food, the time during the day when we eat and when we do not eat food. Because not all the time is the allowance for us to eat the food. For example, late evening and nighttime are not a good time to eat food, but many people do that. Many people would even wake up at night and start eating. What this indicates is that 1) their system is over-toxic, 2) there have parasites or 3) the body is experiencing a deficiency of nutrients, 4) imbalanced emotions.
For us to establish and optimize the digestion, we need to understand a few principles of healthy digestion.
The quality of food.
Naturally, we need to exclude things that are not even natural - processed "foods" like sugar, flour, lab-produced and other artificial things that were not created by nature (additives, colorings, etc.)
Exclude all animal products, including dairy because not only do they carry parasites and create a favorable environment for their development, but also because they negatively affect our karma and the quality of our consciousness. Due to certain circumstances, the humanity has adapted to eating meat and it even seems natural to people. If eliminating meat completely is not feasible at this time, start reducing the quantity of it (for example, first once a day, then every other day, then once a week), cook it well, chew well, and do not combine it with carbs, only vegetables. Combining proteins with carbohydrates undermines your digestive power because they are not compatible for digestion.
Proper foods should not be like finger foods somewhere outside. The food needs to be viewed not as entertainment, but as important nourishment and sustenance.
Stomach is our number one filter for fungi, viruses and bacteria, for any proteins, eggs and larva, all sorts and levels of parasites in their hierarchy. These are all proteins for our body. That means that they will be neutralized in our stomach. In fact, our stomach is acidic not for digesting the animal meat, but for neutralizing parasites, viruses, bacteria, preventing their further development and growth.
Allergies are the result of protein presence or the presence of an alien protein inside our system, because our immune system only responds to the presence of protein with the allergy. It's not the carbohydrate, it's not the fat, it's only the protein that can cause the allergy.
It's not like finger foods anywhere outside. The food needs (28:54) to be viewed not as entertainment, but as food.
Once you've optimized your nutrition in the right way, incorporating more nutrients and eliminating harmful things, increase the intake of fresh raw foods, aromatic herbs and spices. Parasites do not like the taste of fresh foods, especially berries and acidic fruit, with all their enzymes and acids. They also do not like the aroma of herbs, the spiciness of which makes our stomach produce even more enzymes and digestive juices.
Taking these steps is what helps us reestablish proper digestion and reduce the amount of parasitic invasion in our system.
Taking preventative measures definitely pays off.
Be careful where you walk barefoot, avoid areas with fowl and other farm animals, areas with big foot traffic, especially around restrooms, stagnant water.
Check your products and produce.
Wash your foods thoroughly. Soaking in vinegar and baking soda may be a good idea.
Keep your home clean, use natural sanitizer regularly. Essential oils can be a good option.
Clean all the furniture and carpets thoroughly every once in a while.
Pets can pose a big parasite threat and be a target for parasites themselves especially if their digestion is weakened by a diet, unnatural for their species. Fleas can carry eggs and larvae of parasites. For example, cats would contract the hookworm from fleas, which is a big concern for them, and then this would pose a big threat to the humans that have direct contact with these animals. Sleeping with pets in the same bed is fraught with serious repercussions. If your pet goes outside, you may want to reconsider letting that pet inside your kitchen or your bedroom.
Personal hygiene is important. Wash your hands frequently. No biting nails! (There are parasite eggs hiding underneath our nails.) Carry a natural hand sanitizer.
Keep your house free from infestation - insects, rodents, wild animals. Roaches and flies, for example, are notorious carriers of parasite eggs.
Drink filtered water.
And as mentioned above, keep your nutrition whole foods-based, as plant-based as possible, with copious amounts of raw foods (fully raw vegan is best but it takes a lot of knowledge of how to do it properly).
We are all exposed to different types of parasites, but we are less exposed if we take good measures, and vice versa, we are more exposed if we don't.
Everybody is in a risk group, especially children, the elderly, and again, the lower the immunity is, the more susceptible people are to those parasites. Remember, with helminths and worms, the first line of defense is our digestive juice. This is number one.
It's not our immune cells. The weaker the digestion, the more at risk you can be.
We always mention in our lectures and posts that anti-parasite chemical/pharmaceutical drug treatments are not effective and can be outright dangerous. They are highly toxic, have tremendous side effects up to and including cancer, and only target intestinal specimens, without regard for all other types hiding in other organs, systems and tissues, as well as eggs and larvae. When it comes to natural means, different parasites require different means and modalities of prevention and treatment, general preventative measures aside.
Different types are affected by different herbs, different compounds in the foods, different routines we can undertake. Only Nature truly knows how to deal with these situations.
We put together a 4-week program, 100% natural that takes into consideration all possible types of parasites and their lifecycle, using a variety of healing modalities including oils, herbs, mushrooms, cleansing procedures - all appropriately sequenced and phased out - that drive parasites out instead of killing them.
The regimen, herbal formulations, therapeutic liver support measures differ for each of the four weeks. Natural healing can go a long way, but of course in some severe cases, like a cyst/encapsulation in the brain, a surgery would be the biggest part of the answer, followed by the natural regimen. Other than such drastic situations, a well-structured natural regimen works very well.
Only Nature can produce products that can chase parasites out of the body, not kill them inside the body, as this process is associated with a highly poisonous die-off process. Bitter herbs have this "chase-off" effect. Most of the bitter and pungent herbs would actually produce the effect on the adult specimens inside of the intestinal tract. Different herbs affect different parasites, so we combine them to produce the desired effect.
We also aim at the egg and the larva stage. This is a little more challenging. The most effective remedy is compounds of certain healing mushrooms. There are some types of mushrooms that have very strong and potent compounds - polysaccharides. Only those compounds dissolve the fiber of the larva inside of the tissues. This is the phase that is not addressed by the medical professionals. And this is where Nature allows us to produce the desired effect by taking specific types of mushrooms. We use various combinations of mushrooms, in order to produce an even better effect. Some of the larvae may linger inside the tissue for some time, but sooner or later, that larvae will start hatching and breaking through. This is why we use the repetitive cycle in our antiparasitic therapy. Also, repeat courses may be necessary to get to the bottom of this issue, if symptoms resume after some time.
Reinfestation is also possible following the 4-week program which is why it is very important to comply with all the daily regimen recommendations and be more parasite-aware on a regular basis. It is definitely advisable to do parasite cleanses routinely and timely.
Number 1 healing therapy for parasites is prevention, of course. In order to stop something from continuing, we need to prevent the causative factor.
Bitter and pungent spices also work on parasites, but not all the spices can be combined together randomly. There could be some controversies. There could be some herbs that can affect parasites (great!) but affect your system as well, in not always very positive ways.
Oils and extracts help to pull toxins out and drive parasites out with their repelling taste.
Liver support is a very important part of our parasite cleanse. Certain bitter herbs come with this wise double effect - affecting parasites and supporting the liver at the same time. Our program goes even further. We use special liver parasite flushes designed to banish gross parasites from the body and the intestines, the liver and liver ducts, muscles and organ tissues.
Chase away vs Die-off. Most programs are not designed to drive the parasites out, but to kill them inside and then let the body deal with it. This is a dangerous way to go. It can produce some really bad effects and undermine the health of the internal organs, the liver, because the accumulation of that decaying substance inside our system is highly undesirable. Even an ounce of protein decaying inside the body can cause a severe allergic reaction of the system. Imagine if we have 100 parasites that just all of a sudden died within our system. A whole graveyard of parasites that are decaying. Of course, our body would just be extremely screaming for help.
After clearing out those parasites, even partially, the person usually feels perked up and revived again. You can start feeling the true taste of life, of health, of how the human being is supposed to feel, being creative, energetic, cheerful and positive. This is what life without the burden of these parasites would be.
Parasites are the first line of threat for our body. The second line are the bacteria, viruses and fungi. However, we pay attention to the latter ones more than we pay attention to the parasites. Medical professionals do that, because it's easier to kill bacteria than the real parasites inside the body. Of course, bacteria can cause a strong response of the body, like high temperature, toxication, weakness and different other manifestations, parasites go a longer way, creating significant problems for their host. On the other hand, they are very adaptable and would not want you to track them down, hence they hide very cleverly which is why modern-day diagnostics do a very poor job of finding them.
We address the lifecycle of parasites that can be broken down into three stages: egg, larvae, and adult.
Only the adult, and not all of the stages, live in the intestinal tract. The rest of the person's body is the aquarium for parasites. They're just swimming in this aquarium or pool wherever they want to go.
They want to go into the brain and eat some of your nutrients there, they go there. They return, they go to different organs, they sleep in the liver, for breakfast they go into the kidney, for lunch they go to into blood vessels, and so on. They continuously suck blood and you're just suffering, not knowing what's going on with you.
That's the reality. However, it's hardly trackable. But if these parasites die inside our body, then they will be trackable. But then there will be severe manifestation of the extreme toxicity in the body.Â
Our program helps you get rid of those sensations and negative experiences from parasites and their invasion. Invasions of parasites actually tell about the pollution of the body that actually flows from the mind, not being able to take care of self.
And that actually makes the person suffer, not only mentally with the emotions, but with the physical body by predisposing the body to being susceptible to parasites.
Guided regimen provides additional support which is very helpful so you can get your answers answered along the way and have a more effective experience.
Knowledge base in the form of pre-recorded instructional videos provide you with further knowledge and understanding of parasites, the extent of the issue, how they affect us, additional ways of avoiding these infestations and contaminations. Step-by-step instructions and daily schedules guide you through the whole process, so you know exactly what to do.Â
Nutritional regimen is described and articulated to the finest detail, explaining what, why and how needs to be consumed. You may already be familiar with some principles of restorative nutrition if you have gone through our detox program, but in this program, we delve deeper into the role of nutrition in preventing and healing from parasitic diseases.
Chat support allows you to get prompt responses to your questions, daily guidance, and an overall feeling that you are not in this alone, you are doing this as a group, which provides motivation, aid, and comfort.
We urge you to do your own research and investigation on the topic of parasites. A lot of big names in modern-day medicine and scientists are starting to speak very eloquently about this big issue. Incorporate the knowledge from this article into your day-to-day practical life, understanding the threats and potential dangers of the parasitic invasions, the way that their development cycle happens and the seriousness of the situation, which is understated, misrepresented, underestimated.
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Learn more about our 4-week Anti-Parasitic Program: